These techniques can obtain detailed compositional information and bring clarification and understanding to a wide range of materials issues.

Examples of applications include:


  • Polymer type confirmation of rubber, plastics and thermoplastic elastomers
  • Near surface reflectance analysis by ATR / HATR FTIR
  • Identification of material additives and fillers
  • Identification of particulate inclusion contaminants by FTIR microspectroscopy
  • Identification of multilayer laminate films by FTIR microspectroscopy


  • UV transmittance and absorbance testing
  • Quantification of UV-active compounds (containing a chromophore)
    • Quantification of migratory primary aromatic amines extracted from food packaging materials
    • Specific migration of formaldehyde from food packaging materials

In some instances FTIR and UV-Vis analysis provides an initial material assessment followed by more detailed and sensitive analysis using other techniques available at Smithers.

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