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When it comes to predicting the durability or performance of a given material for use in a specific application, it’s crucial to evaluate chemical and physical properties as well as environmental compliance and quality control. Trust the experts at Smithers to support your full material development process with expert materials testing and consulting services.
From material identification to environmental compliance support , our experts have years of experience developing analytical techniques and conducting chemical analyses of all kinds . Our labs are equipped with the right instrumentation to support industries such as agricultural and industrial chemicals as well as various raw materials .
Smithers offers a wide range of services relating to materials and components used in the construction industry , providing advice on initial planning , performance , material selection , and life prediction .
Smithers is the global market leader in producing nonwoven industry reports . The nonwovens market report products detailed below explore nonwovens market trends with in - depth industry analysis , providing the reader with accurate and well - researched forecasts for the future .
At Smithers we serve the paper industry through a range of different testing facilities ensuring paper is used efficiently and effectively .
S m i t h e r s ’ g l o b a l t e a m o f p l a s t i c s e x p e r t s h a v e d e c a d e s o f e x p e r i e n c e w o r k i n g w i t h a n d o p t i m i s i n g p l a s t i c m a t e r i a l s , c o m p o n e n t s a n d p r o d u c t s . O u r m a t e r i a l s t e s t i n g e x p e r t s a n d p l a s t i c s c o n s u l t a n t s s u p p o r t c l i e n t s w i t h i n d u s t r y s t a n d a r d p l a s t i c s t e s t i n g , a s w e l l a s d e s i g n i n g c u s t o m t e s t p r o g r a m s t a i l o r e d t o y o u r t e a m ’ s u n i q u e r e q u i r e m e n t s .
Smithers ' polymer testing experts can help you predict , manage and improve the performance of your polymer - based material or product while ensuring its effectiveness and compliance . We truly understand polymer science and through our ISO 17025 accredited materials testing facilities in the UK and USA , we offer a comprehensive range of chemistry , physical testing , and technical consulting services to support the development of rubber and plastic based materials and end products .
Smithers provides print quality and durability testing supported by detailed off the shelf reports on future market trends in print , strategic consultancy research to meet your print business needs and dynamic conferences attracting global decision makers from across the print supply chain .
Smithers rubber testing experts have many years of experience working with rubber materials , components , and products from a wide variety of industries . Our team can conduct industry standard tests or design a custom testing protocol to meet your unique needs .
Smithers offers extensive document security testing to evaluate and accredit secure documents in addition to designing in - depth market reports with industry analysis and future forecasts on security .
In the ever - evolving industry of smart fabrics and wearable technology , Smithers provides an important platform for stakeholders to discuss , learn and network by attending at its annual WEAR conferences .
If you are considering sustainable materials , such as recycled polymers , recylate - based compounds or other novel materials materials - Smithers ' experts will help you navigate material choices and risks , evaluate and optimize performance , environmental credentials , compliance and more .
At Ssp , a Smithers company and MIL International , a Smithers company , our experts have a rich understanding of the Commodities industry , and utilize their many years of experience to serve ports across the globe .
Double - digit growth for filtration nonwovens
Market Outlook : Labels and Release Liners
Q & A : Evaluating Alternative Materials for Tires : The Future Beyond 6PPD
Rapid growth projected for global dye sublimation market
Packaging to power expansion in flexo print to 2029