New Jersey Cannabis Testing Services

Trusted Cannabis Testing at Smithers

Smithers' Cannabis Testing Laboratory in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, is dedicated to ensuring your products meet all compliance standards. Our lab provides accurate, reliable testing services to cultivators and manufacturers in the New Jersey cannabis industry.

Comprehensive Cannabis Testing Services

Our New Jersey lab offers a full suite of cannabis testing services, including:

•    Cannabinoid Potency: Quantifies the levels of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids to establish dosage for both medical and recreational use.
•    Pesticide Analysis: Detects and quantifies pesticide residues to ensure product safety.
•    Heavy Metals Testing: Identifies harmful metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
•    Microbiological Contaminants: Screens for microbial contaminants like molds, bacteria, and yeast that can affect product quality and safety.
•    Mycotoxins Detection: Ensures products are free from toxic metabolites produced by fungi.
•    Residual Solvents: Checks for leftover solvents used in extraction processes.
•    Terpene Profiling: Provides detailed analysis of terpene content for product differentiation.
•    Vitamin E Acetate: Tests for this harmful additive commonly found in vape products.

Why Choose Smithers?

•    ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited: Our lab meets international standards for technical competence, ensuring the highest quality results.
•    Expert Team: Our scientists and technicians are experts in cannabis testing, committed to delivering results you can trust.
•    Reliable Turnaround: We understand the importance of timely results and offer efficient testing services to meet your deadlines.
•    Comprehensive Reporting: Our easy-to-use client portals provide access to detailed test results and expert support.

Get Started with Smithers

Contact us today to learn more or to submit a sample.

Certificate of Accreditation

NJ - PJLA - Laboratory Accreditation

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