Smithers Invests in New ICP-MS Equipment to Further Enhance Extractables and Leachables Testing Capabilities

Smithers Invests in New ICP-MS Equipment to Further Enhance Extractables and Leachables Testing Capabilities

Published: 3/9/2021

Shropshire, UK – Smithers, a leading provider of testing, consulting, information, and compliance services, has invested in a 7800 ICP-MS from Agilent to enhance its elemental services, allowing the organization to provide pharmaceutical and medical device clients with enhanced fidelity and an even greater depth of elemental analysis.

The sensitivity, accuracy and throughput capabilities of the ICP-MS will help Smithers’ expert team reduce reporting times whilst ensuring clients continue to receive highly accurate data with minimal interference. The team utilizes validated MassHunter software with this equipment to ensure data integrity, compliance, security and confidentiality are at the forefront of Smithers’ operations.

In combination with another recent acquisition – a microwave digester (Milestone ETHOS UP Microwave Digestion System) – Smithers can produce faster extractions capable of digesting an extensive range of sample matrices.

“Smithers’ commitment to offering clients the best support, data and analytical expertise available is highlighted by this investment in new ICP-MS equipment and a microwave digester” said David Tudbury, Operations Director of Chemistry, Europe. “I look forward to continuing to deepen our relationships with clients around the globe and ensure we continue to be best placed to provide accurate data, on time with high touch.”

Smithers is continually working to optimize its service offerings to meet clients’ needs as highlighted by this new investment in elemental analysis. The investment complements a much broader strategic plan to focus and enhance Smithers’ global expertise in the growing life sciences industry. Smithers has significantly expanded its global laboratory footprint in recent years and announced the formation of a Medical Device Testing division in 2020. It also opened the doors of a new physical and functional medical device testing laboratory in Akron, Ohio in March 2021. The Ohio lab is an extension of the company’s existing medical device testing services in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Smithers’ global support for medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers includes:

For more information on how Smithers works with clients, please get in touch with our experts.

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