Smithers introduces Enhanced Compression Testing program

Smithers introduces Enhanced Compression Testing program

The team at Smithers performs hundreds of controlled tests daily for a variety of simulated hazards and environmental conditions that products and packaging face within the supply chain. One category of tests that are performed is compression testing, the simulation of warehousing and storage of products when stacked on top of one another either in boxes on consolidated onto pallets. There are a number of common standards outlined by agencies such as ISTA and ASTM that are used to identify generalized compression rates for certain products. However, in a recent webinar, Smithers technical director, Mike Kuebler discussed how the variability between products and how they respond to certain supply chain hazards, such as compression, can often be overlooked due to these generalized standards.

Recently, Smithers introduced their newest testing services, Enhanced Compression Testing, an alternative to real-life stack testing and traditional compression testing procedures, that incorporates the effect of time on compression resistance of a packaged product. The series of tests that are performed in the service are designed to assess varying compression rates over time to help clients predict a more accurate failure level that is more specific to a particular product. The testing program aims to identify potential packaging design flaws early in the development process by assessing supply chain realities.

As with all of their testing solutions, the ultimate goal of the Enhanced Compression Test program is to analyze how a product will perform in the supply chain and be able to make decisions regarding product and packaging design that will result in an optimal packaging design. In the end, this benefits the client by reducing overall packaging and damage costs.

Learn more about Smithers Enhanced Compression Testing.

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