Reviewing the non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) risk assessment process
Reviewing the non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) risk assessment process
What are Non Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS)?
NIAS are chemical compounds that are present in a material but have not been added for a technical reason during the production process. Their presence in food contact materials is often challenging for food contact materials producers.
NIAS originate from break-down products of food contact materials, impurities of starting materials, unwanted side-products and various contaminants from recycling processes
These NIAS may arise in the finished materials and articles from impurities or degradation products of positively listed substances or residues from the polymerization process. NIAS can also arise from recycled content or treatment processes such as irradiation.
Expert support with NIAS risk assessments
Identification and measurement of NIAS is required for the compliance evaluation, and this may require the use of sensitive and high resolution mass spectrometry coupled with GC or LC.
Regulation EU No. 10/2011 states that NIAS (non-intentionally added substances) that may be present in final articles, should be risk assessed using internationally recognized scientific principles. NIAS may be present as degradation products of authorized substances or as impurities in authorized substances.