New machine measures bond strength of hot melt adhesives and substrates

New machine measures bond strength of hot melt adhesives and substrates

The new PAPT 3 machine has been designed by Smithers experts. It characterizes a typical packaging hot melt adhesive bonding system, allowing users to measure the bond strength of hot melt adhesives and substrates, giving them more control.

The instrument creates adhesive bonds under controlled conditions, then measures the bond strength and energy. The settings used to create and sequentially rupture the adhesive bond are defined by the user and executed by closed loop servo motors controlled by software. The rupture force is measured by individual quartz load cells and charge amplifiers which are monitored by data acquisition hardware controlled from the application software.

The PAPT 3 machine allows the user to control key process parameters:

  • A five bond rupture station
  • Adhesive application - compatible with commercial hot melt applicators and water based applicators used to control adhesive temperature and weight
  • Application speed – variable up to 0.8m/s
  • Open time – variable from 0.5s
  • Compression time – variable from 0.2s
  • Rupture speed – variable up to 150mm/s at constant velocity
  • Bond strength – measured by load-cell (maximum 15kg/25mm bond length, measured at 150mm/s rupture speed)
  • Bonding compression – 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5kg/25mm bond length.

The machine measures the strength of the developing bond without the need to remove the test samples from the machine.

Smithers offer a comprehensive range of package testing services, from primary pack investigations to distribution testing. We can test to a variety of international standards, including ASTM, ISO and TAPPI. Our laboratories are UKAS and ISO 17025 accredited, which is an assurance of our testing quality and expertize.

Find out more about our adhesives and labels testing services.

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