Extractables and leachables presentations

Extractables and leachables presentations

Smithers experts recently spent a week in India, running three Extractables and Leachables (E&L) specialist workshops in Mumbai, Ahmedabd and Hyderbad to between 120-150 medical and pharma professionals.

Download the three presentations below and take a look at a video diary of the tour.

Introduction to Extractables and Leachables (E&L)

The first of the presentations, this introduction will cover the basics of E&L, and discusses its application.

E&L extraction techniques

The second of three presentations explores highly technical areas, including sample preparation, standard extraction techniques and advanced analytical approaches.

E&L method development and validation

Finally, an exploration into leachables testing schedules, method validation, expecting the unexpected results and also what to do with study outputs once they are finalised.

Find out more about our extractables and leachables testing services.

Download the presentations below:


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