For the E&L of it: Identification and semi quantitation of non drug-related impurities

For the E&L of it: Identification and semi quantitation of non drug-related impurities

Extractables and Leachables (E&L) studies are undertaken to identify compounds which may migrate from medical devices, pharmaceutical packaging, food packaging or drug manufacturing equipment into the final product. There is a possible toxicological risk by exposure to such compounds. However, identifying these potential contaminants is challenging as they cover a large chemical space.

Smithers expert Patricia Wright brings us this technical poster describing Smithers’ new high-resolution mass spectrometry service. This service provides both targeted and non-targeted screening for extractable and leachable compounds derived from a variety of packaging materials in the medical, food and pharmaceutical industries. The cutting edge technology used means that compounds may be identified with a high degree of confidence. 

Find out more about our extractables and leachables testing services at Smithers.

Download the poster below:


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