2024 ACS Fall Meeting - Smithers Presentations

2024 ACS Fall Meeting - Smithers Presentations

Smithers scientists will present and chair at the ACS Fall 2024 National Meeting & Exposition, August 18-21, in Denver Colorado. 

Smithers Platform Presentations:

5-Batch preliminary analysis: Identifying opportunities and overcoming challenges
Presented by Charles Nyamekye, PhD
ID: 4113920
Monday, Aug 19, 11:30 AM to 11:55 AM MST
Colorado Convention Center, Room 603

Developing and Validating an Adult Bumble Bee 10-day Chronic Oral Toxicity Test
Co-authored by Dr. Michael Patnaude (presented by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Wednesday, Aug 21, 10:15 AM - 10:35 AM MST
Colorado Convention Center, Room 605

High resolution mass spectrometry solutions to the challenge of non-target transformation product identification presented by the 2023 EFSA drinking water guidance document 
Presented by Rory Mumford
ID: 4099076
Wednesday, Aug 21, 11:30 AM - 11:55 AM MST
Colorado Convention Center, Room 501

Smithers Chaired Symposium:

Elevating Analytical Chemistry in Agriculture Research and Development
Chaired by Rory Mumford
Monday, Aug 19, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM MST
Colorado Convention Center, Room 605

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