How Difficult is CMMC Compliance

How Difficult is CMMC Compliance

Since 32CFR went into effect on December 16, 2024, the number of completed C3PAO assessments has naturally increased. After going through the compliance process and the assessment process, some companies (and assessors) have come out on the other side with a little bit of shock. The sense is that CMMC is a hard standard for contractors to meet, not just financially but also in terms of what the NIST SP 800-171r2 controls require.

On one hand, this sentiment is beneficial, at least in comparison to the idea that CMMC is extremely easy and compliance is a matter of days, not months. However, is CMMC really that much of a burden on a company?

Any Change in Business is Hard

Business relies on minute details more than people may realize. The saying is that money makes the world go round, but the success of a business depends in many ways on the nitty gritty details and whether they are in order.

Take as an example a company that wants to update its name. On the surface that can seem like one sweeping change. When the plan is put together to implement that change, however, the mounting number of details makes the task seem daunting. You have to think in that scenario about signage in and outside of the building, business cards, the website, the website domain, email addresses, notifying everyone of those email changes, and the list goes on. Looking at all of the objectives that need to be met in order to have a successful brand update is often daunting and financially frightening. However, meeting all of those small objectives is the only way to ensure the desired final objective. CMMC works the same way.

CMMC is What it Needs to Be

When the Department of Defense mandated compliance to the NIST SP 800-171 standard in 2018, it was because more strict security measures were necessary. Since 2018, information security infiltrators have only become more sophisticated. If CMMC was not a robust security system, there would be no point in pursuing compliance. The goal is to protect Controlled Unclassified Information, and to do so requires standard operating procedures everyone agrees have a chance at succeeding. While the controls do take hard work to achieve, they are that way because that is how to create a larger chance at protecting the data that must be protected.

Help is Available

While CMMC can be a lot for a company to undertake, especially if it is a small company, there are numerous consultants available in the CMMC ecosystem to assist. The only precaution is to ensure that if a C3PAO serves as a consultant, they do not also conduct the CMMC assessment. Working with a consultant can occur at any stage of your compliance journey, whether it is setting your scope, addressing unmet controls, or even going through an internal assessment. If you are seeking a consultant, let us know and we can make some recommendations for you.

What Questions Do You Have?

If you would like to talk more about CMMC we would be happy to answer any questions you have. Contact us today.

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