Changing Paper Demand in Office and Business Environments

The demise of paper use in office and business environments has been predicted by many forecasters and analysts. See the reasons for this demise here.

Table of Contents Key Facts and Figures
The second study confirmed that cut-size paper demand would continue to decline as a result of:
  • Technology substitution
  • 'Green' related issues
  • Demographic changes in office personnel
The 2009 study also highlighted other trends. It was apparent that demand differed globally and that the developing markets were not following the model of the developed economies. Furthermore, it was clear that in broad terms, paper use is more affected by individual office culture than by the end use business sector. However, there is also some longer lasting paper reliance in certain end use sectors driven by particular professional requirements such as the need for hardcopy archival documents in law and accountancy practices.
Since 2009, the downward pressures on demand have continued with the continuing economic turbulence resulting from the problems in the 'Eurozone', the lack of growth in any of the developed economies and the impact of austerity measures. These economic pressures on paper will all have a negative influence on future consumption and be compounded by:
Technological and behavioral changes - the increased uptake of 'smart' phones and 'tablet' computers, especially the iPad
The impact of environmental concerns, which is bringing increased implementation of 'corporate and social responsibility' policies which influence procurement policies and stimulate a greater recognition of issues such as carbon footprint
Potential changes in buying behavior brought about by the new EU Ecolabel and the revised green public procurement criteria for Copying and Printing paper
How any, or all, of these factors will impact the future demand for cut size papers used in businesses and office environments is the focus of the 2012 study.

The project evaluates:

  • the impact of continuing economic pressures and uncertainty,
  • the potential substitution of evolving and developing technology, and
  • the increased recognition and acceptance of environmental related issues on current and future paper demand.

The evaluation assesses:

  • How are these factors affecting overall consumption and demand of paper products?
  • When will their effect start having more impact on paper suppliers and others involved in the paper supply chain?
  • Will demand for cut size paper products with suitable chain of custody accreditation increase?
  • How will green procurement policies (private and public) influence future demand for different fiber based products?

Scope of work:

In addition to the overarching economic considerations brought about by the global financial situation, a number of behavioral and technological trends will have a significant impact on the consumption of both electronic media and printed media.

Key trends explored in the context of the study are:

  • the impact of governmental and agency cut backs on paper consumption
  • the impact of 'green' procurement policies
  • the growth of 'tablet' computers and their effect on print
  • the requirement for paper in developing economies
  • the evolution of end use markets/end users in relation to their need for paper
  • the changing nature of the distribution chain from mill to end user.
Some but not all of these trends will be affected by geographical factors. To address these and other question the research will provide a global view, but with a specific focus on particular regions as required. The research will seek the views of a cross-section of players throughout the supply chain with a particular focus on end users, i.e. companies from a broad range of commercial sectors, e.g. financial and legal, manufacturing, retail, educational, public sector and corporate etc.

For More Information:

To learn more about how your company may benefit, please contact Stephen Hill, Global Sales Director by email or phone at +44 1372 802025
This report is part of the Paper Perspectives Program from Dr. Graham Moore at Smithers. It has been running since 2006, and is typically 2 studies per year, with a goal of evaluating the impact of a range of issues and trends affecting various paper products, including consumption, demand, long and short term consequences to companies throughout the supply chain and specific product issues and trends. For more information, contact Stephen Hill or Dr. Graham Moore

Name Changing Paper Demand in Office and Business Environments

Date 10/26/2012

Price $14025.00

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