WRAS and BS 6920 have been designed to show compliance to Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations.

What is water contact testing?

As an ISO 17025 accredited and WRAS recognised material testing laboratory, Smithers performs testing on non-metallic products and materials that will interface with water in their end-use application. 

Through a range of chemical analysis, physical assessments, microbiological testing  and odour/flavour testing, it is possible to explore how a material interacts with water. 

It is critical to understand if a product is suitable for holding or transporting water while not impacting on the quality or safety of the water, especially if it is being sold into the UK.

Why perform water contact material testing?

Getting WRAS approval for your product is a straightforward way for you to show that a material or fitting is of a high quality. Any material  that is going to be in contact with the water supply in the UK must comply with the Water Supply Regulations or Scottish Byelaws.

This legislation puts in place requirements that products must be of an ‘appropriate quality and standard’. WRAS approval is a simple and effective way of showing this.

This reduces the risk that any materials that come into contact with water do not contaminate a water supply with potentially harmful or unwanted chemicals.

How Smithers can help with WRAS testing

Smithers' water contact experts can support with WRAS applications using the following BS6920 testing methods:

  • Odour and flavour
  • Appearance - colour and turbidity 
  • Growth of aquatic microorganisms – MDOD
  • Cytotoxicity
  • Extraction of metals
Depending on whether you are seeking WRAS approval for the first time, re-approval with WRAS, or BS 6920 testing for other approvals, Smithers is here to help. Our experts understand the requirement to review materials and supports clients by drafting bespoke test plans in accordance with WRAS requirements. 

To discuss your requirements, please get in touch with one of our an experts.
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