Sheppard Fidler
Vice President and General Manager EU - Materials Science and Engineering
United Kingdom
Contact SamThe International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) is an organization focused on the specific concerns of transport packaging with mission to develop and deliver standards, educational programs and tools for the economic, social and environmental optimization of packaging systems. These goals are well aligned with those of Smithers so we are proud to have such a strong relationship with ISTA and support its global work.
For more than 50 years Smithers has been providing distribution testing and consulting services and solutions to both retail and industrial goods supply chains; working to develop test methods and standards as well as specific research projects and knowledge development is vital to us. In addition to tailored test programs that we develop for our clients, we use and have extensive knowledge of internationally recognized test standards including those developed by ISTA.
Smithers has been a member of ISTA since the 1990s and all of Smithers' Distribution Testing laboratories are ISTA accredited.
ISTA's recently established Advocate Research and Value Delivery Program aims to accelerate the development of information sources and test methods by conducting research and collecting data that improves testing and design methodologies relating to the shipment of packaged goods and products.
As a partner of the Advocate Program, Smithers will help guide the new research aiding in the scientific advancement of package design and testing in order to lower costs, reduce environmental footprint and improve speed to market.
In 2011 Smithers made available to ISTA its European Retail Supply Chain laboratory test method, now ISTA Project '3K', for assessing the performance of fast moving consumer goods through mixed-load conditions common to European retailer operations. Prior to this no tailored test method was available for assessing the risks associated with this hazardous part of the supply chain. The basis for 3K was a multi-client project designed and undertaken by Smithers in 2005 looking at retailer practices and developing lab tests to represent those practices.