Automotive industry trends guide

Automotive industry trends guide

The automotive industry is changing rapidly, due to a mix of factors including environmental concerns, regulatory changes, technological advancements and consumer expectations.

This guide looks at the core trends in the atomotive industry including: 
  • The influence of electric-powered engines on car design, and how global regulations are shaping their adoption
  • How autonomous vehicles will shape society and the regulations in place
  • How fuel efficiency initiatives are driving change in material use, and how rolling resistance plays an important part in reducing fuel use
  • The impact of Industry 4.0 and how sustainability programmes are shaping the manufacturing process
  • An overview of how failure prevention will be critical to the success of predictive analytics
  • How new business models will shape the automotive market, and how consumer behaviour is a driving force for change.

Utilizing data from our market reports, supported with technical insight from our industry-leading experts, this guide provides an overview of the core trends, challenges and issues facing automotive manufacturers and suppliers. 

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