There are multiple methods used to measure the surface area characteristics of silica including either oil or gas absorption testing. These tests introduce oil or gas to a sample to determine the volume required to saturate the sample, enabling the extrapolation of the surface area of silica particles.

Since these methods can be time consuming, Smithers has developed a new method to calculate the surface area of silica used in tire and rubber products. This method isolates the silica in the rubber and uses a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) to obtain images of the silica aggregates.Silica TEM Analysis

These aggregates are then analyzed, and the data is used to calculate the surface area. The result is correlated to a BET value, which is more commonly used in the industry. The method is based on similar particle analysis methods, such as ASTM D3849 for carbon black, but adjusted to better fit the characteristics of silica.

Common Standards

ASTM D6854-15 Standard Test Method for Silica—Oil Absorption Number (OAN)
ASTM D1993-22 Standard Test Method for Precipitated Silica-Surface Area by Multipoint BET Nitrogen Adsorption
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