Benefit from our decades of experience in rubber and elastomer material performance and science. From ISO 17025, independent testing laboratories in UK and USA Smithers works with clients across the supply chain in all end use sectors providing testing, technical consulting and training. Developed from our experience in industrial problem solving and product development, our scheduled courses are delivered by experts who understand the problems, cost and time constraints faced by people working in industry.
Specialist courses include:
- Introduction to Rubber Technology
- Foundations in Rubber Materials
- Investigating and Prevention of Faulire in Rubber Components
- Sealing with Elastomers
- Introduction to Silicone Elastomers
- Introduction to Plastic and Rubber in Medical Devices
Looking for something else or for a course delivered at a time and place to suit your needs?
Find out about our
in-company training or
see full plastic and rubber course schedule.
Smithers is uniqely placed to help your company:
- Enhance materials knowledge
- Build technical understanding
- Boost confidence and efficiency
- Optimise processes and products
- Inform decision-making
- Gain CPD credits: courses IOM3 PD approved
Which course is right for your needs?
Browse our quick course guide and find the best match for your needs.
Click the links for full course details, dates and pricing.
Introduction to Rubber Technology
If you already have a foundational understanding and want to learn more about rubber technology to help optimise processes and products - this course delves deeper into all aspects of rubber technology, material properties, service life considerations and more.
Foundations in Rubber Materials
For those new to rubber and looking for a beginner's guide. This course provides an easy-to-digest, basic working understanding of rubber materials, their uses and processing techniques.
Investigating and Prevention of Failure in Rubber Components
If you are looking to manage material durability and service life performance - this course will help you solve problems, limit damage and avoid future failures. You will better understand rubber materials and their main properties, the ways in which materials fail and how to specify and select according to service life.
Whether you or your team design, specify or use seals - this course will help you understand what's required for effective seal performance. Our seal experts provides a grounding in seal materials and their selection based on service requirements. You’ll get to grips with seal design and how to develop a specification. You will also gain a critical understanding of long term performance issues and how to avoid failure.
Introduction to Silicone Elastomers
This course provides an overview of the main types of silicone elastomer currently available and compares their chemical structure, manufacturers, grades, properties, compounding, processing and applications. It also explores silicone rubber in the context of other commercial polymers.
Introduction to Plastic and Rubber in Medical Devices
Provides an introduction to medical device regulations and product standards within the EU and UK (Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Course will help you understand the impact of regulatory requirements for safety, efficacy, compatibility and shelf life on material selection for medical devices and on their associated manufacturing processes.
IOM3 Quality Assured Training

Smithers is an IOM3 Quailty Assured training provider and our courses are approved towards professional development.