ASTM 3356F is a specification for a class of materials used to make sealing components and aerospace parts that operate at extreme temperatures, ranging from -67°F (-55°C) to 446°F (230°C). Many AMS 3356F materials are optimized for lubricating oil resistance, low compression set, and controlled dielectric strength. Additionally, AMS 3356F materials are often used for parts that will be exposed to aircraft piston engine oil while in service due to their superior resistance properties. However, these materials are generally not used for applications that require regular contact with gasoline, aromatic fuels, and low-aniline-point petroleum-based fluids due to swelling.

AMS 3356F is appropriate for sheets, strips, tubing, extrusions, and molded shapes of silicone rubber.
Please note: The information outlined above is to be used as a reference for AMS 3356F

Silicone (VMQ) Rubber Lubricating Oil and Compression Set Resistant, Electrical Grade (55 - 65). Please refer to SAE International for full details and the most current revision.

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