Tear resistance testing measures the force required to tear a polymer test sample; from as small as a prepared cut or nick to a tear force completely across the width of a plastic or rubber material.
For rubber materials, our rubber testing labs are equipped for all three of the trouser, crescent, and angle tear testing techniques. For plastics and films, we have Elmendorf tear testing capabilities.

Common Standards for Tear Resistance

  • BS ISO 34—Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of tear strength. Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces
  • BS EN ISO 6383-2—Plastics. Film and sheeting. Determination of tear resistance. Elmendorf method

Our Expertise

Our experts can conduct testing to specific industry standards or design a custom protocol based on your product or material’s exact service environment.
We have extensive sample preparation facilities, including on-site molding, thickness reduction capabilities, and a CNC machine, which gives us the flexibility to test a wide variety of materials and product forms.
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