Moisture absorption in rubber and elastomeric materials can occur in certain service environments. Understanding the moisture content of a given material can provide an indication of how it will perform, and can be undertaken through performing moisture content analysis and testing.

High moisture content in certain materials can lead to detrimental effects such as:
  • Stress concentration
  • Poor processability
  • Chemical reactions
Corrosion of the surface can occur when the material is in contact with hygroscopic materials which absorb moisture from the surrounding environment and typically require storage in sealed containers. The water content of materials is generally measured through titration on a volumetric or gravimetric basis.

Common Standards for Moisture Content Testing

  • ASTM D6304—Standard Test Method for Determination of Water in Petroleum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
  • ASTM D6738—Standard Test Method for Precipitated Silica—Volatile Content

Our Expertise

We have years of experience measuring moisture content and the effects of moisture build-up in a variety of applications and industries. Our experts can conduct testing to specific industry standards or design a custom protocol based on your product or material’s exact service environment, as well as investigate the moisture uptake/absorption of specific polymer materials.
We have extensive sample preparation facilities at our rubber testing labs, including on-site molding, thickness reduction capabilities, and a CNC machine, which gives us the flexibility to test a wide variety of materials and product forms.
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